Our vision is to provide the very best opportunities to enable our students to make informed and incisive decisions throughout, and beyond, their school life. Our CEIAG programme meets the needs of our ever-changing cohort of students, providers and labour market landscape. Our plan promotes equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and challenges stereotypes whilst inspiring, raising aspirations and giving our students an optimistic outlook on life and their place in the world of work.
Careers Education at our Co-op Academy Manchester
- Our Careers Lead is Mr R Haseler. See our contact details page to get in touch.
- Our CEIAG Programme can be downloaded here [PDF]
- Are you an Education or Training Provider? Please view our Provider Access Policy
We hold the Quality in Careers Standard [July 2022]
Students Careers Learning Journey: a visual guide
From Year 7 to Year 11
How we deliver Careers Education | Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Year 7
Understanding what jobs people do
- Lessons around the theme of “jobs and the place of work”
- Labour Management Information (LMI) / Interests / Reports
School subjects at work
Time Management
Decision Making
Incorporating the 6 Career Development Institute career development skills
Unifrog sessions
Careers in the curriculum
Year 8
Understand the different routes/pathways and options
- Lessons around the theme of working life, Stereotyping, Pay, rewards and motivation - lifestyle costs and financial planning
Discover Learning Pathways
Explore Learning Styles
Biases and Career Choices
Personality Styles
Study Skills and Habits
Jobs and Employers
Incorporating the 6 Career Development Institute career development skills
Unifrog sessions
Careers in the curriculum
Year 9
Become more self-aware and how to make informed decisions/choices - academic and vocational qualification routes
- Lessons around the theme of “Importance of grades to future success” - Understanding of Pathways Post 16/Apprenticeship and Option Choices
World of Work Event
Option Choices
Explore Career Matches
Self Advocacy
Higher Education visits
Incorporating the 6 Career Development Institute career development skills
Unifrog sessions
Careers in the curriculum
Year 10
Getting Ready for Work - Interviews and Experience of Work
- Lessons around the theme of Post-16 routes, development of a CV, applying to colleges, getting experiences (work and hobbies)
- Preparing for Interviews
CV writing
Mock Interviews
Careers Fair
Personal Statement
Providers at Parent/Carer Evenings
Getting experience
Exploring Career Factors
ASK event
University Experience
College taster sessions
Incorporating the 6 Career Development Institute career development skills
Unifrog sessions
Careers in the curriculum
Year 11
Make relevant applications to Sixth Form/College/Apprenticeship
- Lessons around the theme of Post-16 - Pathways - Working Life - Values and Skills - importance of qualifications
- Careers Week Tutorials in Preparation for Careers Fair
Provider Assemblies
Provider Workshops
Personal Statement
Careers Fair
CV writing
Work Values
Workplace Skills and Attitudes
Transition to Further Education
Careers and Lifestyle costs
Incorporating the 6 Career Development Institute career development skills
Unifrog sessions
Careers in the curriculum
How do we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks?
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework for school leaders, headteachers, and careers advisors to assess the development of their pupils in employability skills. They also help students track their own progress and identify areas in which they need to continue developing their skills.
1. A stable careers programme
- Assemblies
- Presentations
- PSHE curriculum
- Visits
- Workshops
- Curriculum
- Projects
2. Learning from career and labour market information
- Assemblies
- Google Classroom / website / library / careers bulletin
- Careers themed weeks
- Briefings and publications
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Future Skills Questionairres
- Application and destination information
- Transition meetings
- EHCP and PEP meetings
- Reports
- Referrals
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
- STEM Careers week
- National Careers week
- Curriculum offer themed weeks
5. Encounters with employers and employees
- World of work day
- Careers Fair
- Visits
- Speakers for Schools
- Apprenticeship and Careers weeks
6. Experiences of workplaces
- Visits
- Employer presentations
- Science Fair
- Business Breakfasts
7. Encounters with further and higher education
- Careers Fair
- Assemblies
- Visits
8. Personal guidance
- 1:1 Interviews
- Transition meetings and presentations