Weekly Bulletin for parents and carers, 3 February
Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update.
Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update.
Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update.
Good luck to Year 11 who start their mock exams this week [link to exam timetable and XL booster timetable].
Next week is our school show, Matilda, and it's going to be spectacular! Details on the performances and tickets are below.
There was an issue on Tuesday with the catering service provided by Taylor Shaw.
Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update. This week we look forward to seeing Year 9 families at Progress Evening.
Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update.
We have been asked to share some information about school buses from the Bee Network. There is information about beenetwork.com/school-bus-services about services including the 708 that serves our pupils. There have been some changes to payment options available to young people which you can find out about here.
Our teachers are looking forward to meeting you at our Year 9 Progress Evening on Thursday 23 January, between 4 and 7pm.
This is an in-person event taking place at the academy.
Dear parents and carers,
Year 11 mock examinations will start on Wednesday 29th January.
Students will be taken away from their normal timetable for two and a half weeks. Below is an outline of the dates and times of each examination.
There is also a list of XL revision booster sessions.
End of term letter - December 2024
Dear parents and carers, I write to you as we approach one of the most exciting and important milestones in your child’s school career to date. In September, your child will be starting their GCSE courses and moving from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4.
Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update. This week we look forward to welcoming Year 11 parents and carers for their Progress Evening on Thursday. If you haven't yet made your appointments, please do so beforehand.
⚠️ Reminder: we have a vacancy for a parent or carer to join our Academy Community Council. This is our version of the governing body. Please see the app/SMS messages we have sent you for details on how to nominate yourself or another parent/carer who wishes to be put forward.
Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update.
⚠️ Please note - on the last day of term Friday 20 December - we will be finishing for students slightly earlier at 2:30pm.
On another note, we ask that students do not bring hot water bottles into school. Although the weather is getting colder, we want to ensure that there is no risk of burning or risk of slips from spillage of hot water.
Our teachers are looking forward to meeting you at our Year 11 Progress Evening on Thursday 12 December, between 4 and 7pm.
This is an in-person event taking place at the academy.