Anti-Bullying Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Policy details
Date created - March 2023
Date reviewed - 30 April 2024
Date approved - 19 November 2024
Next review date - Autumn term 2025
Policy owner - Regional Director (Nick Lowry)
Co-op Academy Manchester’s statement on valuing diversity, equality and inclusion:
Sexist, Sexual and Transphobic bullying
Cyber bullying, bullying by text message and the Internet
Methods of dealing with bullying of this nature:
Bullying around Race, Religion or Culture
Students who have been bullied
Reporting and recording incidents
Reinforcement of the Anti-Bullying Policy
Dealing with Persistent Bullying
The academy is committed to preventing all forms of bullying. We will work hard to ensure that bullying plays no part in our community by proactively dealing with all students, their families and staff to eradicate and promptly address all reported incidents.
Bullying is a form of anti-social behaviour that has no place in this community. Bullying is aggressive or insulting behaviour by an individual or group, often repeated over a period of time, which intentionally hurts or harms. This includes all forms of Cyber bullying. Bullying can produce feelings of powerlessness, isolation from others and undermine self-esteem. It can affect attitudes and performance in school. For some it can lead to serious and prolonged distress and long-term damage to social and emotional development.
The Academy intends to implement an anti-bullying policy that reflects the aims and policies of the DCSF reflected in, ‘Don’t Suffer in Silence’ an anti-bullying pack for schools. This complies with the Human Rights Act 1998 and Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and ‘Safe to Learn: Embedding Anti-Bullying work in Schools’ (2007). This anti-bullying policy also embeds the key concepts of the Anti-Discrimination Law meaning that staff must act to prevent discrimination, harassment and victimisation within a school.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the DfE guidance ‘Tackling bullying of children with SEN and disabilities’ and 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Online Safety Policy.
This academy sees the issue of bullying as a serious matter.
The purpose of this policy is to eliminate the incidence of bullying and create an environment
in which everyone feels safe, secure and respected. Accordingly, Co-op Academy Manchester will;
- Ensure that a clear, uniform approach to dealing with all forms of bullying is adopted and regularly monitored.
- Anti-bullying initiatives are an integral part of the academy’s enrichment programme for all years.
- Ensure all staff act upon any signs of bullying immediately.
- Ensure the anti-bullying message remains high profile via student voice, displays and noticeboards.
- Provide appropriate in-service training for all staff
- Provide a physical environment which is closely supervised and where students feel safe and secure.
- Enlist the help and active support of parents and outside agencies.
- Ensure students have access to the Academy’s counsellors and additional interventions. Ensure bullying is challenged and awareness is raised through dedicated sessions of PSHE.
Bullying Defined
Bullying is the wilful, conscious desire to hurt, threaten, frighten or make someone feel uncomfortable over a period of time, where it is difficult for the person being bullied to defend themselves. It is distinct from random acts of aggression.
Bullying manifests itself in a number of ways
- Physical e.g. assaulting a person or property or theft of a possession
- Verbal, e.g. name-calling or teasing, racist or homophobic remarks or threatening language.
- Indirect, damaging the reputation of the character of the victim or socially excluding them from games or conversation
- Cyber-bullying e.g. using technology particularly mobile phones and the internet, deliberately to upset someone else
Bullying affects the ability of a student to fully participate in and enjoy Academy life and it is an equal opportunities issue as well as a disciplinary offence.
Bully – A person or group behaving in a way which might meet needs for status, material gain or group process and does not recognise or meet the needs and rights of the other people/person who are harmed by the behaviour.
Victim – A person or group that is harmed by the behaviour of others and who does not have the resources, status, skill or ability to counteract or stop the harmful behaviour.
Possible Signs of Bullying
Both teachers and parents are in a position to observe changes in the behaviour of a child, which may indicate that they are being subjected to bullying.
What to look out for:
- Damage to or losses of items of clothing, property, school work. If this occurs frequently then ask questions.
- Are there signs of physical injuries, e.g. cuts, bruises, etc?
- Academic achievement is perceived to change in a negative way.
- Playing truant or feigning illness or displaying a reluctance to attend the Academy. Be aware of children who register but fail to go to lessons.
- A loss of weight or poor concentration.
- An unhappy child who may not wish to go out at breaks or lunchtimes.
- A child who threatens to self-harm.
- Consider other behaviour patterns demonstrated by the victim, e.g. is the student conspicuously loud/quiet, is their behaviour appropriate when engaged in normal classroom interaction?
Dealing with Bullying
We will encourage students to report any incidents of bullying within the Academy to a teacher or other adult in the Academy. We encourage all students/parents to report any incidents of bullying outside of the school day, or outside of the Academy to the police. We will support the police with any of their necessary inquiries.
Bullying is unacceptable behaviour. It happens in all schools and academies and many young people are involved at some time. This Academy is committed to creating a safe environment where young people can learn and thrive, can talk about their worries, confident that an adult will listen and will offer help.
We will make it clear to students, staff, parents and governors that when bullying happens we will work as a community in accordance with the policy set in this document to help both the people who are harmed and the perpetrators. We will ensure the safety of the victim and do our best to support improved behaviour from the bully.
Any student whose behaviour is found to be discriminatory will be sanctioned severely, with a day spent in the Reflection Room.
Co-op Academy Manchester’s statement on valuing diversity, equality and inclusion:
Co-op Academy Manchester commits to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for learning and living. We seek to ensure that all aspects of school life - including the curriculum, admission, retention and support for students, families, and employees - reflect our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion, and will be diligently assessed and actively supported.
We recognise that the academy exists in an ever-changing world, and that our understanding of, and support for, diversity, equality, and inclusion must grow and evolve. We bring students, families, employees, and guests of different backgrounds and experiences together to engage constructively in the life of the school and society. Learning at the academy involves listening to and working with others, considering and embracing different points of view, and empathising with and understanding multiple perspectives. Through open, honest dialogue and active, ongoing inquiry in an authentically diverse context, all members of our community gain awareness, wisdom, and the capacity to act as responsible, engaged citizens.
At Co-op Academy Manchester, we are committed to providing equality of opportunity for all students and staff, and to providing a working environment which is free from discrimination, prejudice and harassment. We encourage respect and consideration for others, and recognise and value the school as a safe place for learning. The staff at Co-op Academy Manchester recognise that inequalities exist in all levels of society and believe that, as educators, we have a crucial role to play in eliminating racism, sexism and all forms of discrimination.
Parents/Guardians of both victim and perpetrator will be kept informed of our actions and follow-up procedures (see ‘Group Support’ approach below).
The Academy will record all incidents of bullying.
Homophobic bullying
The Academy will take an active approach to tackle all kinds of bullying, including homophobic bullying and will follow the guidance in the publication, ‘Safe to Learn: Embedding Anti-Bullying Work in Schools - Preventing and Responding to Homophobic bullying in schools’. This policy should also be read in conjunction with the CAT Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
In line with Co-op Academies Trust, the Academy is committed to having a designated Stonewall member of staff to cascade latest training and awareness of homophobic bullying.
Homophobic bullying occurs when bullying is motivated by a prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people and can be experienced by;
- Young people who are or who are thought to be LGBT
- Young people who are different in some way and who may not act like others
- Young people who have LGBT friends or family or their parents/carers are gay
- Teachers who may or may not be LGBT
The Academy recognises that homophobic bullying looks like other bullying but may include;
- Verbal abuse – including spreading rumours that someone is gay
- Physical abuse – including hitting, punching, kicking, sexual assault and threatening behaviour
- Cyber-bullying – using on-line spaces to spread rumours about someone or exclude them (This can include text messaging including picture and video messaging)
Staff will also challenge casual homophobic language and will ensure anyone who makes persistent remarks is removed from the classroom and made to understand the consequences of their behaviour in terms of sanctions.
Sexist, Sexual and Transphobic bullying
Sexist bullying
This is bullying based on sexist attitudes that when expressed demean, intimidate or harm another person because of their sex or gender. These attitudes are commonly based around the assumption that women are subordinate to men, or are inferior. Sexist bullying may sometimes be characterised by inappropriate sexual behaviours.
Sexual bullying
This is bullying behaviour that has a specific sexual dimension or a sexual dynamic and it may be physical, verbal or non-verbal/psychological. Behaviours may involve suggestive sexual comments, including ‘sexting’ sexual bullying via a mobile device or innuendo including offensive comments about sexual reputation; or using sexual language that is designed to subordinate, humiliate or intimidate. It is also commonly underpinned by sexist attitudes or gender stereotypes. Sexual bullying can be seen as sexual harassment in schools. Both sexual and transphobic bullying may affect boys and girls.
Transphobic bullying
Transphobic bullying stems from a hatred or fear of people who are transgender. ‘Transgender’ is an umbrella term that describes people whose sense of their gender or gender identity is seen as being different to typical gender norms. Transgender people commonly feel that their biological body is not aligned with their inner sense of gender identity. This leads some people to live in the gender role in which they feel more comfortable and which relates to their own sense of their gender identity rather than to their biological body. Where children and young people are perceived not to be conforming to the dominant gender roles that may be widely expected of them, the Academy will be alert for signs of bullying. Transphobic bullying is commonly underpinned by sexist attitudes. Boys and girls may be equally affected. An individual may also experience transphobic bullying as a result of perceptions that a parent, relative or other significant figure displays gender ‘variance’ or is transgender.
The need to address sexist, sexual and transphobic bullying will be viewed in the wider context of the Academy’s duty to implement the Gender Equality Duty (2007), to promote pupil well-being and to promote community cohesion.
We understand that sexist, sexual and transphobic bullying is fundamentally an issue of equality. Although girls are most frequently harmed by sexist and sexual bullying, both sexual and transphobic bullying may affect boys and girls. We will consider all pupils as potentially at risk of such bullying, particularly where they are perceived by others not to conform to dominant or stereotypical gender roles.
The Academy will respond to and prevent this type of bullying by following the DCSF, ’Guidance for Schools on Preventing and Responding to Sexist, Sexual and Transphobic Bullying’ (2009) which is part of the suite of documents that comprise ‘Safe to Learn: Embedding Anti-bullying Work in Schools’.
Cyber bullying, bullying by text message and the Internet
The Academy will follow the DfE guidance on preventing and dealing with cyber bullying summarised in the document, ‘Cyber bullying – A whole-school community issue.’
The Academy will also follow guidance on safe internet use and ensure all students are taught how to protect themselves when using the internet.
Staff will promote and develop a culture of confident technology users, to support innovation, e-safety and digital literacy skills. To raise awareness of and tackle cyber bullying staff will;
- Ensure the whole Academy community understand and talk about cyber bullying
- Ensure all policies and practice including Acceptable Use Policies are shared with all staff, students and parents/carers
- Make reporting cyber bullying easier by providing and publicising different ways of reporting it
- Promoting the positive use of technology including e-safety and digital literacy
- Evaluate the impact of preventative initiatives by using surveys etc. to collect feedback
Methods of dealing with bullying of this nature:
- Students will be warned about the need for care when giving out their mobile phone number or personal details online.
- A record will be kept of the date and time of any offensive messages or conversations
- Students will be encouraged to show any messages to a member of Academy staff
- Students who report bullying by text message, social media sites or other e-methods will be taken seriously
- The student’s family may need to contact the police if bullying is serious and if a potential criminal offence has been committed
- If such bullying is carried out on a persistent basis or if there is threat of violence, it will be treated as any other serious bullying incident
- Students who take photographs or videos on their phones with malicious intent will be dealt with in the same manner
- The School Police Officer will be involved in the investigation/consequence process as appropriate.
Bullying around Race, Religion or Culture
We recognise our Academy needs to be a tolerant and diverse community where racism and bullying has no place. Every child deserves respect and a safe learning environment whatever their racial or religious background and every child needs to learn that modern British society values diversity and mutual respect. Where bullying of a racial, cultural or religious nature occurs, it will be taken very seriously and a clear consequence of sanctions applied.
We also know that racist bullying is an aspect of bullying that schools and academies find particularly challenging. The law recognises the seriousness of abuse and attacks that are motivated by racism. The Academy has a duty at law to promote race equality. Creating an ethos where racist bullying rarely happens, and is dealt with convincingly when it does, is one way in which we can fulfil that duty, and one aspect of the Academy’s Race Equality Policy.
Prevention Strategies
Staff CharterThe adult as a model: Staff will not misuse a position of power to dominate the students in this Academy. We will avoid:
We will listen to students when they are willing to talk about bullying. We will be sensitive to a student’s need for privacy and respect, encouraging the ethos of ‘it is safe to tell’. Staff will support the ‘Behaviour Policy’. |
Student CharterStudents will recognise each other’s rights to:
The culture of the Academy will encourage students to ensure the:
Peer Support
Peer support includes students from all years to act as mentors to each other. Students can also report bullying via Tootoot, linked on the VLE or directly at
The Curriculum
We aim to make anti-bullying initiatives an integral part of the curriculum for all years. Where appropriate subject teachers should encourage discussion, group work and cooperative learning to demonstrate the importance of bullying issues.
Bullying must never be kept a secret
Dealing with bullying
All incidents of bullying will be taken seriously and dealt with as quickly as possible. Staff will do all they can to support the victims of bullying and make it clear to the bully that this behaviour is not acceptable.
In dealing with bullying, academy staff will:
- Not ignore it.
- Not make premature assumptions.
- Listen to all accounts of the incident.
- Adopt a problem-solving approach that encourages students to find solutions rather than simply justify themselves.
- Make regular follow-up checks to ensure that bullying has not resumed.
- Ensure that all relevant personnel within school (e.g. Head of Year/Vice Principal/SENCO) have been informed.
- Record the incident promptly on the appropriate proforma, as soon as practically possible after the incident, ideally within the day.
- Incidents will be reviewed to identify students, type, style and location of bullying. This will enable the Academy to identify patterns and to develop appropriate action plans.
- Punitive measures will be implemented as appropriate and in consultation with all parties concerned.
- Liaison with the SENCO/Vice Principal will be made to ensure there is targeted support to address the underlying issues.
- Opportunities for Restorative Justice will be provided where appropriate.
Procedure to support a student who alleges that they are being bullied.
- Talk to the student away from other students, but with other staff close by.
- Listen to the student’s account of the incident.
- Reassure the student that reporting the bullying incident was the right thing to do.
- Make it clear to the student that she/he is not to blame for what has happened
- Ideally, allow the student to write a statement or make a note of what has been alleged to have happened.
- Explain that the student should report any further incidents to a teacher or other member of staff immediately.
Ask the student
- What happened?
- Whether or not this was the first incident, if not how many other incidents have there been.
- Who was involved?
- Where it happened?
- Who saw what happened (staff as well as students)?
- What the student had already done about it?
- Is there any additional evidence (e.g. mobile phone or social media records)?
Ideally, the student should be given the time and appropriate accommodation to make a written statement which is jointly checked by the student and member of staff and where necessary amended to ensure clarity. This information must be passed on as soon as possible to the member of the pastoral team dealing with the situation who will liaise with the relevant ALT link or Vice Principal (Students and Inclusion). It is usual to speak to the accused bully and any identified witnesses as soon as possible to get them to write statements on their own about the incident. (It is recognised that some students will need assistance to write statements.)
If a member of staff has witnessed an incident, they should be asked to write the relevant details down as soon as possible and give these to the staff investigating.
Parents should also be contacted and be offered an opportunity to provide any evidence (if applicable).
Supporting students
Students who have been bullied
It is likely that pastoral staff will work with these students, but it is essential that the students are fully supported during this traumatic time through contacts with staff and with students. Ultimately, the student must make the decision who they would like to speak to. Usual choices are: the Vice Principal, SENCO or Head of Year.
The student’s own peers could have an important role in acting as councillors or mediators and the role of Restorative Justice is important in all parties moving forwards.
Students who have bullied
It is important for the bully to receive counselling, to prevent further incidents. Often, bullies themselves have been victims. Usually a member of the pastoral team will carry out this role:
Talk to the student about how things are going, their progress and friends. Suggested areas for discussion include:
- Why they acted as they did.
- Bullying is wrong and makes others unhappy.
- Social skills and how to interact with others without bullying.
- Giving praise and encouragement for the times when she/he is being kind and considerate to others.
Parents/Carers should be informed about any incident.
If appropriate, there could be a meeting between the victim and the bully to enable the bully to apologise / explain why, e.g. in the process of restorative justice.
Reporting and recording incidents
Bearing in mind the seriousness of these incidents it is imperative that all incidents are:
- Promptly dealt with
- Reported promptly to the Vice-Principal (Behaviour and Community), the ALT link or an LPSO at the earliest opportunity
- Recorded or reported by email, SIMS or written statement.
Reinforcement of the Anti-Bullying Policy
This policy will be reinforced effectively across the Academy via the following:
- The Code of Conduct and a copy of the Anti-Bullying guidelines will be displayed throughout the Academy
- The curriculum will address the issues of bullying and self esteem as appropriate
- Assemblies will promote positive behaviour and respect
- The Anti-Bullying Policy will be included in the Staff Handbook.
- Prospective year 7 students will participate in Anti-bullying education as part of their induction programme.
- As part of our Primary Students’ Transition Programme, an Anti-bullying element will be included to reassure and support students. Students who Primary School colleagues identify as being particularly at risk will be given additional support.
Dealing with Persistent Bullying
If counselling and other preventative measures, such as peer support and educational strategies do not succeed, persistent bullying will be dealt with under the Academy’s behaviour policy. The bully may for example:
- Parental contact will be made and their behaviour discussed.
- Be removed from the group.
- Be put in detention.
- Be banned from an academy trip or other events where these are not an essential part of the curriculum.
- Be placed in the Reflection or Reset Room.
- Isolated with senior staff
- Be excluded for a fixed period.
In the most serious cases, permanent exclusion may be considered if the bullying:
- Involves serious actual or threatened violence against another student.
- Amounts to persistent and defiant misbehaviour.